Sharpeye Inferno72 - 6`2

6`0 Inferno72. Sharpeye Surfboards

6 899,00 NOK

  • Artnr: 5252
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Inferno 72
Stab in the Dark - VINNER.

Inferno 72 er modellen Sharpeye Surfboards laget for 2021 Stab in the Dark-konkurransen. Dette brettet er en PU/PE-replika av Dark Arts Epoxy-brettet som vant.

Inferno 72 ble opprinnelig designet for Filipe Toledo for å konkurrere i "The Rumble at the Ranch"-konkurransen i 2020. Filipe endte opp med å vinne konkurransen. Da Sharpeye-shaper Marcio Zouvi ble kontaktet av Stab for å delta i Dark Arts-utgaven, valgte han å levere Inferno 72.

Inferno 72 er en justert versjon av Disco Inferno, en testet og prøvd QS-favoritt. Vi har lagt til mer rocker i inngangen og utgangen for bedre hold gjennom svingene og mer driv. Det vil surfe best i små til middels store bølger, og akkurat som Disco Inferno er Inferno 72 et høyytelses surfebrett som takler nesten alle forhold og beholder sin gnist.

Inferno 72

Stab in the Dark - WINNER.

The Inferno 72 is the model Sharpeye Surfboards built for the 2021 Stab in the Dark contest. This board is a PU/PE replica of the Dark Arts Epoxy board that took the win.

The Inferno 72 was originally designed for Filipe Toledo to compete on at "The Rumble at the Ranch" competition in 2020. Filipe ended up winning the comp. When Sharpeye shaper Marcio Zouvi was approached by Stab to enter the Dark Arts edition he chose to supply the Inferno 72.

The Inferno 72 is a tuned up version of the Disco Inferno, a tried and tested QS favourite. We have added more rocker in the entry and exit for more hold through turns and drive. It’s going to surf its best in small to medium waves and just like the Disco Inferno the Inferno 72 is a performance surfboard that will handle just about all conditions thrown at it and maintain its spark.

Stab in the Dark 2021 winner Sharpeye Inferno 72 model. (

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