Welcome to Team Vision


Team Eleveight Norway

Vision Boardriding Company is always on the look out for riders that are not only dedicated to their sports, but are dedicated to protecting their planet. If you Surf, Skate, Kitesurf, Foil, Snowkite or Snowboard and you believe you could be what we are looking for then please contact us at shop@visionoutdoor.no

All of our Team riders are here to help you get on the right gear for you and your riding style. If you wish to test any of our brands then please feel free to contact the shop or any of our amazing team riders directly.

We are always stoked to share our passion.

Richard & Robby fra Vision Boardriding Company Team Vision

Richard Newman & Robert Hirst 

Owners at Vision Boardriding CO

With a combined 60 years experience in surfing, snowboarding, kitesurfing and much more, We are driven by passion and a large portion of FOMO for the shred. 

Tuva team Vision Tuva. Surf Team

Tuva Børsheim

Age: 27

Base: Unstad, Lofoten

Instagram: tubbisenb 

Surf/snowboard (?)Jeg er en jente fra Bergen som oppdaget surfing i 2016. Livet har siden dreiet seg for det meste om surfing, noe som ledet meg til nord-norge da jeg skulle studere fysikk. Her oppdaget jeg også splitboarding. Etter en bachelorgrad og 5 friår totalt, bor jeg nå i bobilen i Lofoten, men liker å komme meg vekk til varmere strøk de mørkeste månedene. Jeg surfer nå for dame landslaget i surf, og målet er å kunne inspirere andre til å tørre å gjøre det som du selv vil, ikke bare følge forventningene til andre. Forhåpentligvis kan jeg også være et forbilde for jenter, og et bevis, på at man bør, og kan, ta seg den plassen man fortjener i line-upen og ellers i livet!
Det beste jeg vet er å være ute i naturen, noe jeg ønsker for alle i fremtiden! Klimaet og dets endringer er for meg et resultat av mangel på dyrevelferd, menneskerett og bærekraftig ressursfordeling. Dette er saker jeg brenner for og jeg er takknemlig for å kunne være team rider for likesinnede mennesker! 

Team Rider Mona Mai Team Rider Mona Mai Team Rider Mona Mai Team Rider Mona Mai Team Rider Mona Mai Team Vision. Mona Mai

 Mona Mai

Age: 42

Base: Stavanger/Jæren

Instagram: monamaii 

Kitesurf, Toptur, Mountainbike

Kiting since 2007. I currently ride Eleveight RS 5, 7, 10 and my strapless wave board. I love kiting in strong wind and the autumn swell, as well as kiting sunny days with friends.

Being outdoors, mountain and ocean, makes me feel alive and free. I'm proud to be a part of Team Vision! Our local community is growing, and we have a chance to create something that will last. 

Fun fact: I really enjoy spending time at the parking lot, talking to people, hearing their stories and sharing the Stoke!

Sigurd Severinsen Sigurd Severinsen. Team Vision

Sigurd Vadla Severinsen

Age: 16år

Base: Kristiansand

Instagram. sigurd_severinsen

Digger alt som har med action å gjøre både på hav og land, men da aller mest surfing! Var med på NM tidligere i høst og ble finalist i Jr gruppen. Har bodd i Australia i et år hvor jeg var ute og surfet så og si hver dag, før og etter skolen, i tillegg til på skolelaget i skoletid. Nå er jeg tilbake hjemme i Kristiansand og må dessverre nøye meg med bare et par surfs i uka…oftest i Mandal, på lista eller Jæren. Likevel har jeg høye ambisjoner innenfor surfing om å bli så god jeg absolutt kan, og er super gira for at Vision vil være med på å gjøre drømmen ekte! Jeg gleder meg!!

Nina Tandrevold Hermanrud. Team Vision

Nina Tandrevold Hermanrud

Age: 29

Instagram : ninath93

Elsker alt som har med vann, både flytende og i fast form. Største hobbyer er ski og kite, men alt som er en kombinasjon av lek og trening kommer høyt opp på lista. Ellers er jeg stor fan av kaffe og jobber med programmering. Bor i Stavanger, men du finner meg ofte med bilen min Bjarne i nærheten av sjøen, eller på jakt etter den beste snøen. Naturen er det beste jeg vet, og jeg håper vi sammen kan prøve å ta vare på den så neste generasjoner også kan få boltre seg på verdens beste lekeplass 💗

Tom Hayman team vision outdoor lifstyle Tom Hayman team vision outdoor lifstyle Tom Hayman team vision outdoor lifstyle Tom Hayman team vision outdoor lifstyle Tom Hayman team vision outdoor lifstyle Tom Hayman. Team Vision

Tom Hayman

Age - 34

Base - Stavanger

instagram -  @haymansurf


I have been surfing since I was 15 years old. I grew up in Wales (uk) but have been lucky enough to surf all over the world. I have recently moved to Stavanger and I’m loving the waves and the people but as I am newish to the area say hello in the lineup.
I am really excited to be part of team vision and looking forward to testing the Eco products and new technologies that come with it. 

Jørn Svindland- Team Vision

Jørn Svindland

Base- Jæren/Stavanger

Instagram- j0rns

Begynte å skate i 11årsalderen og gikk over til surf da jeg bikket 18år. Det ble instant match. Har bestenotering 4plass fra NM. (En del år siden) Ellers ser jeg frem til å surfe med top notch utstyr fra Vision Outdoor L. ❤️

Team Vision Felipe Systello Team Vision Felipe Systello Team Vision Felipe Systello Team Vision Felipe Systello Team Vision Felipe Systello Felipe Systello. Team Vision

Felipe Systello

Base - Stavanger/Jæren

age -

insta - felipesytello

Surf, Skate, Snowboard

Originaly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I start my passion for action sport at young age. I start with jiu jitsu wen I was around 8 and got my first skateboard at 9 it didn’t take long until I start surfing. After graduate as Graphics designer I move to Australia, Gold Coast, to surf and live the amazing Aussie life style. In Australia I meet the mother of my child and so we move to Norway. In Norway I found others board sport passion as snowboarding and wakeboarding. I love the Norwegian outdoors and the cold water surfing, I share my passion to music as well and you may find me playing in studio or somewhere with my band 😃 Stay active and live your dreams 🤙 . Aloha, . Felipe Systello

Eleveight Petter Øydegard Eleveight Petter Øydegard Eleveight Petter Øydegard Eleveight Petter Øydegard Eleveight Petter Øydegard Petter Øydegard Team Vision & Eleveight Norge

Petter Øydegard

Age: 32/1990

Base -  Jæren.

Instagram - petteroydegard

Kiting since: 2005Kite quiver: RS 6 and 8, FS 10, 12 and 14.Places kited other than Norway: Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Egypt, Dominican Republic, Aruba, Cuba, Fiji, Indonesia, Australia. But the sunset sessions on Jæren are still my favourite.Style of kiting: Mainly freeride, still having ambitions of getting more unhooked tricks in, I am also the occasional wavekiter. Trying to do it all. Maybe I'll hop on the foil trend eventually.Location: JærenOther interests: Skiing/touring, surfing, climbing and camping. The last few years we've been actively using our car and the rooftop tent to explore other parts of Norway to do what we like. Skiing in Jotunheimen, kiting, surfing and climbing in Lofoten and kiting in Oppdal (of all places).

Eleveight Ingrid Langdalen Eleveight Ingrid Langdalen Eleveight Ingrid Langdalen Eleveight Ingrid Langdalen Eleveight Ingrid Langdalen Ingrid Langdalen Team Vision & Eleveight Norge

Ingrid Langdalen

Age: 26

Base - Jæren

Instagram - ingridlangdalen

Kiting since: 2015 Kite quiver: RS 6 and 8, FS 10, 12 and 14 Location: Jæren Placed kites other than Norway: Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Cuba, Fiji, Indonesia, AustraliaFavorite spot: Secret on Jæren Other interests: skiing/touring, climbing and surfing. The last few years Petter and I have been traveling around with our car and the rooftop tent to explore other parts of Norway to do what we love. Skiing in places such as Jotunheimen, Rosendal, Sogndal and kiting, surfing and climbing in Lofoten. 

Team Eleveight Vision Team Eleveight Vision Team Eleveight Vision Team Eleveight Vision Team Eleveight Vision Edvard Anderson Team Eleveight Norge

Edvard Anderson

age - 30

Base - Oslo

Instagram -

After highly competitive adolescence within several sports, I fell in love twice in a short period of time. And my relationship with kiting has my kites has only changed in colors adding some size spices expanding the relationship further along the way. The team behind Eleveight has inspired me to be a part of the Eleveight family. I now enjoy some air under my feet, and regular faceplants with family and friends around the world, being able to travel to remote places only kiting(Well at least almost only kiting. ) naturally takes you. I enjoy a technical faceplant session with a 12, but I have to say my favorite is when "nuking" winds give the adrenaline a rise with a 7, 8 of a 9 with whatever kite model within the eleventh family suits the mood.

Kristian Ruud Pettersen Kristian Ruud Pettersen Kristian Ruud Pettersen Kristian Ruud Pettersen Kristian Ruud Pettersen Kristian Ruud Pettersen. Team Eleveight Norge

Kristian Ruud Pettersen

 Age- 30/1991.

 Base -Gudbrandsdalen

Instagram – kruud91

 My quiver: Eleveight commander, FS and RS. Kiting since 2006.

Places kited: Finland, Spain, Denmark.The Pallas Tundra on the top of Laukukero is a spot one of a kind for snowkiters. But the windy days in Gudbrandsdalen is still the prime. surrounded with its different national parks, mountains and lakes. You can also find me in Oppdal when the water season is on fire.My riding style is something between freeride, freestyle and faceplant! But most of the time im trying to jump over and off something or take my daughter for a ride with the kite.

Other activitys: camping, hiking/touring, travel, snowboard, photo/editing,standup paddle. Id also love to learn to surf.

Bjørn Stien Eleveight kites Bjørn Stien Eleveight kites Bjørn Stien Eleveight kites Bjørn Stien Eleveight kites Bjørn Stien Eleveight kites Bjørn Stien. Team Eleveight Norge

 Bjørn Stien

Age: 50

Base - Tromsø

Instagram - bjornstien

Started kiting back in 2006 and have been active since. Like to travel and have been a lot in Brasil. Is just so likely to been seen in the mountains in the winter time that on the water in the summer time.

Favoritt triks: Kite loops Local spot: Breivikeide. Kites: FS 7, FS 9, FS 12 .

Kited location: Denmark, Spain, Egypt, Zanzibar, Brasil.

John Arne Eskeland John Arne Eskeland John Arne Eskeland John Arne Eskeland John Arne Eskeland John Arne Eskeland. "Boss" Team Eleveight Norge

John Arne Askeland

Age -  stein gamle ;)

Base -  East coast

Instagram - plaskeland

Kiting since: 2004. Favoritt trick: backmobe. Gear: 6 and 17 Rs, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 FS, Master 139, Commander 142, Master+ 139. Sponsored by Oneill wetsuits.  Style of riding: new and old school I love the freedom that kiting gives, and spimply just jumping and getting air time.

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